Friday, April 10, 2015

26. Peripheral Problems

During the checkout, two new glitches appeared which were not related to the rewiring.
The first was erratic operation of the hydraulic clutch. When the car was started in gear, the clutch either works fine or does not disengage. In the latter mode, it will creep with the brake applied hard and it cannot be shifted without shutting down the engine. Internet research indicated that these symptoms can be caused by air trapped in the clutch hydraulic system. I have tried to bleed the clutch before and had very little luck, so I took the car to Morrison Car Works. The clutch did not malfunction on the four mile drive to the shop or on the mechanic's test drive. He was dubious, but agreed to bleed the brakes using the GM method of applying 22" of vacuum to the master cylinder reservoir neck for 20 minutes, then replacing the fluid. The post bleeding test drive and the drive home were uneventful. So far, the clutch has not misbehaved since it was bled. Fingers crossed.

The second issue was that the CD changer suddenly quit. I bought another one on ebay. The listing said "Works Great". It didn't. I took the cartridge out and discovered eight CDs in the 12 disk player (one commercial CD of Birdman & Lil Wayne - Like Father, Like Son Disc 1; intact copies of Lil Wayne - Best; Lil Wayne - Currency; Millionaire 3 - Young  Money; John Cena,  and two cracked CDs and one with a pie shaped chunk missing.) I estimate that I'm 57 years too old to listen to this stuff. The missing piece was retreived from the player but it still registers "No Disc'.

Pioneer multi-CD players are shipped with four transport screws which should be retained for the next time the set is transported. I'd bet that not one in a thousand sellers/shippers does that. The only way to avoid the omission is to buy a new or factory reconditioned unit. For the time being I'm using the single CD player in the Tuner.
The Multi CD players compatable with the tuner are no longer made. Any changer with the model prefix CDX-P will be compatable. There are still plenty or them on Amazon and ebay. In the meantime I'm using the single disc player in the tuner.


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